Potentilla ‘Arc-en-ciel’
Plant number: 1.440.190Perennial Cinquefoil are mound-forming plants suited to the sunny perennial border. These are cousins to the more familiar shrubby Potentilla. This variety has green strawberry-like leaves, bearing sprays of double button flowers of orange-red with a bronzy center. Trim off faded bloom stems to encourage more buds to form. Plants may be sheared back after blooming, to rejuvenate the foliage. Division may be done in early spring or in the fall. Cut back to the ground in spring. Downy or powdery mildew is sometimes a problem. Possibly hardy to Zone 3. Further details for |
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Potentilla ‘Arc-en-ciel’
Plant number: 1.440.190Perennial Cinquefoil are mound-forming plants suited to the sunny perennial border. These are cousins to the more familiar shrubby Potentilla. This variety has green strawberry-like leaves, bearing sprays of double button flowers of orange-red with a bronzy center. Trim off faded bloom stems to encourage more buds to form. Plants may be sheared back after blooming, to rejuvenate the foliage. Division may be done in early spring or in the fall. Cut back to the ground in spring. Downy or powdery mildew is sometimes a problem. Possibly hardy to Zone 3. Further details for |