Pinellia cordata
Plant number: 1.423.600A Chinese cousin to our familiar Jack-in-the-pulpit, this is not a well-known plant and deserves to be used more in shady woodland gardens. Plants form a low clump of glossy dark-green arrowhead-shaped leaves, backed in purple. Bizarre hooded green flowers have a long twirling tail, appearing in late summer. Hardier than first expected, particularly in regions with good winter snow cover. Tiny new plants will form from little bulbils that drop from the parent clump. These can be moved after a year or two. Unique! Further details for |
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Pinellia cordata
Plant number: 1.423.600A Chinese cousin to our familiar Jack-in-the-pulpit, this is not a well-known plant and deserves to be used more in shady woodland gardens. Plants form a low clump of glossy dark-green arrowhead-shaped leaves, backed in purple. Bizarre hooded green flowers have a long twirling tail, appearing in late summer. Hardier than first expected, particularly in regions with good winter snow cover. Tiny new plants will form from little bulbils that drop from the parent clump. These can be moved after a year or two. Unique! Further details for |