Physostegia virginiana ‘Vivid’
Plant number: 1.423.110A selection of one of our native North American wildflowers. This forms a bushy mound, bearing spikes of deep-pink flowers from midsummer through the fall. Excellent for cutting. Spreads to form a big patch, something to keep in mind when placing this in the garden. Edge around the patch in spring to control, removing any surplus plants. Prefers rich, moist soil, and will tolerate wet conditions beside a stream or pond. Easily divided every 2 to 3 years in early spring. Clumps usually will need to be staked. Attractive to butterflies. A bit more compact than other forms, so this is less likely to need staking. Further details for |
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Physostegia virginiana ‘Vivid’
Plant number: 1.423.110A selection of one of our native North American wildflowers. This forms a bushy mound, bearing spikes of deep-pink flowers from midsummer through the fall. Excellent for cutting. Spreads to form a big patch, something to keep in mind when placing this in the garden. Edge around the patch in spring to control, removing any surplus plants. Prefers rich, moist soil, and will tolerate wet conditions beside a stream or pond. Easily divided every 2 to 3 years in early spring. Clumps usually will need to be staked. Attractive to butterflies. A bit more compact than other forms, so this is less likely to need staking. Further details for |