Phuopsis stylosa
Plant number: 1.418.100Crosswort is seldom encountered in gardens but this is useful for dry sites. It spreads to form a dense mat of bright green leaves, loaded with clusters of bright pink flowers in early summer. Tolerates poor soils and hot sites, and can be a useful groundcover for slopes or other difficult sites. Cut back hard after blooming to encourage more buds to form in late summer. Attractive, but smells like a skunk so this may need careful placement. Easily divided in early spring. Further details for |
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Phuopsis stylosa
Plant number: 1.418.100Crosswort is seldom encountered in gardens but this is useful for dry sites. It spreads to form a dense mat of bright green leaves, loaded with clusters of bright pink flowers in early summer. Tolerates poor soils and hot sites, and can be a useful groundcover for slopes or other difficult sites. Cut back hard after blooming to encourage more buds to form in late summer. Attractive, but smells like a skunk so this may need careful placement. Easily divided in early spring. Further details for |