Petrorhagia saxifraga
Plant number: 1.408.500(Formerly Tunica saxifraga) Tunic Flower is a low-growing alpine or rock garden plant, which forms a mound of fresh-green leaves, bearing a cloud of tiny white or pale pink flowers beginning in early summer, and continuing for weeks. Plants should be clipped back hard after blooming, to rejuvenate the foliage. Will stay evergreen, in mild winter areas. Excellent as an edging plant, or growing in the cracks of rock walls. Plants will self seed prolifically, unless faded flowers are trimmed off. This species is a good choice for summer colour in the rock garden. Further details for |
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Petrorhagia saxifraga
Plant number: 1.408.500(Formerly Tunica saxifraga) Tunic Flower is a low-growing alpine or rock garden plant, which forms a mound of fresh-green leaves, bearing a cloud of tiny white or pale pink flowers beginning in early summer, and continuing for weeks. Plants should be clipped back hard after blooming, to rejuvenate the foliage. Will stay evergreen, in mild winter areas. Excellent as an edging plant, or growing in the cracks of rock walls. Plants will self seed prolifically, unless faded flowers are trimmed off. This species is a good choice for summer colour in the rock garden. Further details for |