Alt Information

Primula elatior
Primula elatior
Garden Diary

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The next time you are buying perennials please look for our helpful labels and blue pots, and remember "The best perennials come out of the blue"!

Primula elatior

True Oxlip

USDA Zone: 4-9

Plant number: 1.444.090

The true Oxlip is not to be confused with the false cowslip (Primula × polyantha) or cowslip (Primula veris) which look similar but are more common. This beautiful selection bears upright stems with clusters of nodding, soft-yellow trumpet, fragrant flowers, that nod to one side, in mid-spring held above a rosette of bright green leaves. A favourite to gardeners who are familiar with it. Certainly an easy Primrose to please, happy in average to heavy soils and a partial shade exposure. Excellent in containers and window boxes. This associates well with a wide range of spring flowering bulbs, as well as other rock garden species, especially blue Pulmonaria and Brunnera. Will tolerate full sun in cool summer regions. Easily divided in early fall.

Further details for
Primula elatior

Optimal Growing
Appearance and
Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Soil pH
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Flower Colour
Blooming Time
Foliage Color
Plant Uses & Characteristics
   25-30 cm
   10-12 inches
   25-30 cm
   10-12 inches
Foot Traffic
Growth Rate
Disclaimer: This information is presented for reference only. This plant is not currently part of our Heritage Perennials lineup.